#kou mukami lunatic parade chapter 4
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Kou's Route and Drama CD Translations
Translations by @dialovers-translations marked with 🍓 Translations by @otomehonyaku marked with 🫐 Translations by @kyouxa marked with 🍒 Translations by @pinkcasedialover marked with 🍇
More, Blood - 🍓
Vandead Carnival - 🍓
Dark Fate - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lunatic Parade - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Lost Eden - 🍓
General Prologue || Mukami Prologue
Chaos Lineage - 🍒 [some chapters are missing]
General Prologue - 🍒 || Violet Family Prologue - 🍇
Bloody Bouquet Vol. 5 - 🍓
Daylight Vol. 8 - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus II Vol. 5: Ruki vs. Kou - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus III Vol. 3: Subaru vs. Kou - 🍓
Do-S Kyuuketsu Versus IV Vol. 5: Kanato VS Kou - 🍓
Eternal Blood Vol. 3 - 🍓
More, Blood Vol. 2 - 🍓
More Character Songs Vol. 4: Devil's Spire -🍓
More, More Blood Vol. 2 - 🍓
Para-Selene Vol. 3 - 🍓
Versus Song: Bloody Night Vol. V: Kou vs. Yuma - 🍓
Zero Vol. 2 - 🍓
Dollymoon's Mukami Kou Masterlist on Livejournal
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As a fellow Ruki stan I'd love to know how you'd rank his routes 🌸
// Sure thing! ^^
1. More Blood
You probably didn't see this coming, but I really enjoyed his MB route! I'm aware of how hated it is because of the cat scene, and while I disagree with Ruki's actions, they didn't ruin him for me. I just love how SASSY Ruki can be, even if some of his roasts are really mean, but I'm sure they're just there to make the audience laugh. I think the funniest one was when he told Yui "Today we will go home on foot. Why? Because a person such as yourself who doesn’t know how to stop when eating is very prone to put on some pounds after all.” He's so savage, and I love it, but I wouldn't want to deal with such a person in real life, lol. Aside from that, his last Ecstasy chapter was the first to make me cry, and his Vampire Ending was stunning, especially the kissing cg!
2. Chaos Lineage
Another unpopular choice because I've seen a lot of people complain about it being boring and lacking significant romantic interactions due to including his brothers too much, and while I can't say his route was very good, I still really like it! I'm glad Ruki was less obsessed with Karl there, and he seemed more relaxed and genuine overall. He even pouted at one point, which was so cuuute! I love the Mukamis, so I'm always up for family moments, and the romance was adequate, neither exaggerated nor non-existent.
3. Dark Fate
Would have given it a higher rating if Ruki hadn't been such a jerk in the first half, and what bothered me the most was how he treated his brothers. Kou had very good reasons to be mad at him, and it's already becoming frustrating because they're supposed to be best bros, yet Ruki and Kou always find a way to fight. What did I love about it? He got down on his knees and apologized to Yui for saying such horrible things. I was moved to tears by the scene in which he cried for her because I had not expected Ruki to do such a thing. Furthermore, his Vampire Ending is probably my favorite of all games; it's simply the best possible outcome for him and Yui.
4. Lunatic Parade
I don't remember much about LP, but his route was fun, and I think he was more flirty than usual there, which is a plus! Well, everyone had great LP routes in my opinion because that game was truly lighthearted!
5. Lost Eden
He was ideal in the first half of the route, but the second half irritated me greatly. Maybe I have high expectations, but are you really going to tell me that in the previous game, a "dummy" character only heard ONE thing about Karlheinz yet immediately connected all the dots about all his victims, realizing that he's truly the root of all evil because he was using everyone for his selfish desires and then… there's Ruki who 1) was told by Christa that Karl was Trismegiste aka the person who ruined his life, 2) went to Romania to read about the Revolution, where Trismegiste was mentioned, 3) had his ghoul-father tell him that Karl is Trismegiste and that he slaughtered a bunch of people to make ghouls out of them only to have Ruki say this "I'm sure Karlheinz-sama regretted his actions, that's why he gave our lives back". If he had regretted, he would have rewinded time long ago. I'm aware that different writers exist, but they should be more careful when writing these parallels because it can cast their own characters in a negative light, since one reaction will always be better than the other. Still really liked the lore and the fact Rejet learnt something about Romanian history.
6. Vandead Carnival
I enjoy VC as a game, but Ruki was a little too stiff for my liking. It wasn't bad, but I felt like Ruki was babysitting Yui for almost the entire route. :”)
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Lunatic Parade Kou Mukami– (Chapter 4)
I know there’s already a translation of chapter 4. But since I did chapter 3, so didn’t skip this one by moving directly onto the Final. (*°▽°*) ♡
一 一 After we see off the children, Kou kun and I had decided to meet the manager.
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
Yui: Let’s see, I think it’s somewhere in this place…
Kou: Umm…
???: Haa...how the parade of this year will look like...in this case…
Kou: Oh, this voice…
Corporation Manager: ...Hm? Over there are…
Yui: Mr. Manager! We’ve been looking for you!
Corporation Manager: Eh!
*Runs up to them*
Haah...hah...uff...what do you mean exactly…?
Kou: I thought if I could show up there in the finale.
Corporation Manager: Yo- you really will!?
Kou: If I wouldn’t then I wouldn’t even ask you for permission.
Corporation Manager: ...Aah...I’m so glad! Thank you so much!!
The truth to be said, after that, I had some performers on your behalf but it didn’t satisfy me….
I ended up rubbing my head thinking that this year‘s parade will be the worst than ever.
But if you show up then it’s no mistake that this parade is gonna rank the toppest!
Kou: 一 However!
There is a condition.
Corporation Manager: And that is…?
Kou: Since I’ll perform so I want that stage to be splendid.
I want you to devote yourself utmost in selecting the outfits, theater and also in arranging the stage.
Corporation Manager: I roger that!
Order me anything! I can prepare that right away! Because doing this work is one of the highlights of my skills!!
Yui: (S- so much confidence. He must treasures the parade so much.)
Kou: ...And then…
There’s one more request.
Corporation Manager: What it could be?
Kou: And there should be a few first-class seats in the performance area.
Because there is a number of children whom I want to invite there.
Yui: (He’s talking about those vampire children, right?)
Corporation Manager: If it’s that much then it’s a very cheap task.
Then, I am going to order for the preparations right away.
Kou: Thanks! I’m counting on you.
Corporation Manager: Then let me take my leave at once! Aah, time to work and work!!
*After a while*
Kou: Phew…
All now left is just to give it my best.
M-neko chan, will you support me?
Yui: Ofcourse!
Please tell me if there’s anything I can do.
Kou: Okay...let’s go have a look at the venue?
I wanna think about what kind of stage should be built there.
Yui: Yeah, let’s go!
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
Yui: (This place is going to be the venue…)
Kou: Probably, we can make a gorgeous stage right over there.
If we do that, then we can hang up the illuminations around there. Looks like we can come up with a flashy one.
Following this, the audiences' seats will be here, and…
Yui: (As expected, he’s very familiar with the performances, so he can come up with several things.)
*Kou gets closer*
Kou: Why are you being so shut?
Yui: Oh...so…
I thought you were amazing to plan about many things at once.
To describe it…
Kou: You fall in love again?
Yui: Th- that’s…
→ Selection
内緒!/ Secret!
うん / Yes (+ Correct)
Yui: ...Yes.
*Kou backs off*
Kou: ...Kh, what are these. You rather got me scared. *flushed*
Yui: (I- I tried to upfront my feelings a little but he's being bright red…)
Kou: Phew….
Yui: (Maybe I just see one of his rare sides?)
Kou: 一 Anyways!
We have enough with watching the venue.
Nextly, we must make a specific time schedule.
Shall we be back to the hotel briefly?
Yui: Yeah!
Place: Saint Nore Park / サントノレパーク通り
Vampire Woman A: Hey hey, you heard!? Kou kun is gonna be displayed in this year’s parade!
Vampire Woman B: Of course I did! Aah, I’m already starting to look forward in that!
Yui: (Wow, the news already started to get spread. He’s pretty popular indeed.)
Kou: Sounds like that manager is running around by announcing this news.
Yui: Mhm.
You are a little nervous?
Kou: Nope! I can’t help but look forward to it!
Yui: (That’s awesome...I’ll also do my best to become his right hand even if a little.)
We had refined the plannings about the programme after we returned to the hotel.
“What can be done to make it exciting for the audiences”
“What can he do to make audiences enjoy the performance all by himself”
We continued this conversation by sitting face to face with each otherーー
END of Monologue
Kou: Hmm...so I ought to start with a light piece of melody at first.
And following that, I have to start the ballad…
Yui: Right. Then you can probably try out by shifting the songs’ orders. If you do so, then…
*Takes notes*
Kou: Aah...sounds good. In the mid-time, it will be great if you insert the dance-numbers…
*Continues taking notes*
|| A dance number is a performance, in other words a choreography executed by a group of dance. Idk if it's a familiar U.S English word or not, but I’m sure French and other languages use this a lot!
*After a while + BG sky*
Kou: 一 Finally done!
*BG: Back to the Hotel*
Yui: With these, everything’s decided now.
Kou: Yep!
一Now that you mentioned, we’re missing out on the most important part.
Yui: Which one…?
Kou: For the sake of the best performance, I have to get warmed-up like a best performer!
There will be dance-numbers so I want to do a pretence.
But if I do that here then it will become very noisy. We may even end up getting complaints about it.
I wonder if there’s a suitable place...where no one can’t possibly find me…
Yui: What about that alley? Is that place quite?
Kou: Yeah, that’s right. Great catch, M-neko chan.
Let’s move into there.
Yui: Yup!
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリートアイゼン横丁
Kou: It’s certainly quite here. Perfectly suitable for my practice.
Aight...I’m gonna get started from the dance-practice.
Yui: (I think he can’t concentrate if I stay here.)
Listen Kou kun, I’ll be back to the hotel for now.
Kou: Eeh? But why? Don’t go back.
Yui: B- but we were able to find a less-crowded place after all, plus if I’m here then you can get distracted I think?
Kou: Aah...I don’t get it.
*Kou gets closer*
Kou: It’s very obvious that I’ll get more motivated if you watch me.
So, don’t say you want to go back. Stay by my side.
Yui: Is it okay?
Kou: I rather want you to stay.
Yui: If that’s so...I’ll be here.
Isn’t there anything that I can at least help you with? I can do it no matter what it is.
Kou: No matter what it is? Then…
Yui: (What does he mean by pointing on his cheek?)
Kou: Come on, hurry up.
Yui: Wh- what do you mean…?
Kou: You gotta obviously give me a mmwah for cheering me up.
Come on! We’re lacking time so do it now!
Yui: Eh, y-yes…!
Yui: (Feels like I am trapped in one kind of pace but if it’s what Kou kun want then一)
*Yui kisses Kou in his cheek*
Kou: Fufuh, thank you ♪ Well then一
It’s a returned kiss for mutually cheering up to do our best.
Yui: (I’m happy but, it turned out so embarrassing…)
Kou: Ooh, you’re being red all the way up to your ears.
Shall I carry you to the hotel picking up like a princess?
Ah, or more importantly I shall muwah you on your forehead and then measure your fever? How ‘bout it?
Yui: Aah, stop spoiling me.
Kou: It’s your fault to be so cute that I want to spoil you at the end. Heheh…
*Kou backs off*
Kou: 一 Anyways
I must start to practice right away.
M-neko chan, would you mind resuming where I was by clapping?
Yui: Yes, understood.
*Clap, clap, clap, clap*
Is it okay?
Kou: Okkey. I’m going to...start一!
Looking at Kou kun practicing putting on a serious face, I already realized that his performance is obviously going to be the best.
Simultaneously, I was feeling proud to be by his side instead of any other else.
While thinking these, time went out in a blink of eyeーー
END of Monologue
*Claps (4x)*
Kou: Hah, hah, hah…
With this, I am done with dancing practice. Phew…
Yui: Good job, Kou kun. You did so great that it was a real performance.
Kou: Is that so? Maybe I work harder than I expected since you were watching me.
But the real performance won’t be like this, ya’ know?
I’ll perform way better than this, so please expect more from this, ‘kay?
Yui: Fufu, okay.
Ah, perhaps they are done with preparing the stage, so let’s have a look?
Kou: Right. But I wanna have a little more practice then wait for the main performance一
Corporation Manager: AAH! THERE YOU WERE!
*Runs up to them*
Yui: …? Wh- what happened, you’re being so hurry…
Corporation Manager: Actually...that’s...there are some problems to face.
Kou: Problems? Are they related to the performance?
Corporation Manager: No, that one is all good. But…
The entertainers who asked before on your behalf are not giving up on the performance at all…
The stage that I had completed preparing, they have occupied them.
Yui: Eeh…
Corporation Manager: B- but rest assured! I will manage to move them even if it has to be by force…!
Kou: …
Corporation Manager: E-err...but please don’t say that you won’t be showing up on the stage…
Kou: …...But
Certainly they do have rights to perform on the stage. Because we asked for permission after they did.
Corporation Manager: ……!? B- but…
If we allow them, then you are going to lose the stage.
There are no places to make a stage since all the preferable spots are filled with some kinds of events…
Kou: …...nnh…
Yui: (What shall we do…, we wanna do something for those kids whom he had promised…)
*Yui starts thinking about places*
BG: Glimmer Main Street
Yui: (There’s no preferable place here…)
BG: Zatan’s Mouth
Yui: ………
BG: Rubean Canal
Yui: (There are only Gondolas here…)
Place: Glimmer Main Street, Aizen Alley / グリンマーストリートアイゼン横丁
Yui: Gondola!
Kou: Go- gondola?
Yui: Yeah! Gondola! Let’s go…!
*Yui holds Kou’s hand*
Kou: E- M-neko chan!? Uwaa!
*They run*
Corporation Manager: Wa- wait up please!
*He runs too*
Place: Rubean Canal / ルビーン運河
Kou: Haah, hah...what’s wrong outta nowhere...is there anything here?
Yui: ーLook, we can make a stage above this canal I think.
Kou: ….kh….
Corporation Manager: Eeh!?
What do you mean? How can we do that….
Yui: Using gondola.
By mooring so many gondolas here, we can prepare a stage above that.
Corporation Manager: Wha...he won’t be able to perform in such an insatiable stage.
More or less, it’s above the water anyways…
Kou: ...No…
I think it’s a very great idea, M-neko chan.
Yui: Kou kun…
Kou: ...Because...it will turn out so beautiful...as the reflected illuminations will be sparkling on the water surface.
I should have done it from the before.
So, I’m also requesting to build up here.
Corporation Manager: Y- you too…
...kh, got it! I’ll absolutely do something about it!
Yui: Th- thank you so much!
Kou: Oh yess, M-neko chan ♪ I’m counting on you once again, manager.
Corporation Manager: Alright! If it’s in this place, then there are many things to get done.
And also...there’s one more thing I want to request.
一Manager san.
Yui: Y- yes!?
Corporation Manager: As we’re changing the location of the stage, we have to inform it to the audiences.
Would you mind laying me a hand in that…?
Yui: Ofcourse. Please don’t hesitate leaving it to me!
Kou: Me too! Even though only I’ll be performing but I want a lot of people to watch that.
Corporation manager: You two...ngh…
I’ll also give it my best!! Let’s make it the best stage!!
Yui: Yeah!
Kou: You bet!
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
Yui: We have an announcement about the special stage made for the finale! Here it is!
*Distributes the papers*
Kou: Here you go!
Vampire Woman A: Kyaaa! Kou kun, you’re here!?
Kou: That’s right! The performance is going to be very enthusiastic, so I wanted everyone to visit!
Vampire Woman B: Yeah! We will go there for sure!!
Kou: Really? I’m so glad!
Yui: (His effect on the audiences is immense. I also gotta do my best!)
Please look forward to that!
*Continues distributing*
Kou: Uuf...we’re done with distributions in no time.
All I have left to do is just get prepared for the performance and take a rest a bit.
Yui: You’re right.
Oh, and also we’re done with the special sits for those children.
Kou: Really? That’s good! I can carry out my promise then.
Yui: Yes一
*Crowd noises*
Yui: (Wh- what it could be…)
Kou: It’s coming from the boarding place of gondola.
...Perhaps something’s happening out there. Let’s check that out.
Yui: M- mhm…
(I wish everything will go smoothly, but for some reason...I’m in panic…)
*BG turns clack*
Corporation Manager: Wh- what did you say!?
Place: Gondola Platform Place / ゴンドラ乗り場
Yui: Listen, mr. manager! What’s going on this time?
Corporation Manager: Th...that’s...I’ve just had a contact…
The gondola is going to take a pretty long time to reach here….
Yui: Eeh…! Could it be that it won't make it on the right time for the performance…?
Corporation Manager: ...Yes…
Kou: Wha...we are dragged into trouble.
Corporation Manager: I’m telling them to deliver the gondola by any means so...all we can do is to wait.
Yui: (What if they don’t bring that…)
Kou: There’s nothing more that can be done huh.
*Crowd noises*
Vampire Woman A: It’ll be so fun since it’s been a while to see Kou kun’s performance!
Vampire Woman B: I can’t wait any longer.
Vampire Woman C: Aww~ It’ll be full of excitement! Wait for us, Kou kun!!
Yui: No good, the audiences are also starting to assemble…!
Kou: Looks like so…
Yui: (Aah...so, isn’t there any other choice but to give up?)
Kou: ...Kh, if it turns out like this, then I have to perform with a stage一
*BG is Sky*
Underground Dweller A: Heyy! I’ve brought the gondola!
*BG back to previous*
Kou: Ah…!
Yui: That person’s appearance…
Underground Dweller A: Sorry for making you wait! Here you go!
Yui: Th- thank you so much!For you, we can perform on the stage perfectly!
Underground Dweller A: Don’t mention it. But in exchange…
Show up the best performance!
Kou: ...oh!
Ofcourse! Leave it to me ♪
Corporation Manager: A- above all, it’s great news that everything's made out on time…!
Corporation Manager: Well then, Kou san! Please show up on the stage!! Every single audience is waiting!
Kou: Got it, let’s go! 一But before that
*Kou gets closer*
Kou: Nnh…*kiss*
Yui: (He kissed me on my cheek…kh!)
Kou: 一 ‘See you later’ kiss complete.
Keep cheering me, M-neko chan ♪
*Goes away*
Yui: (Good luck, Kou kun…!)
*After a moment + BG black*
Vampire Woman A: Woaa!!
Vampire Woman B: Kou kun!!
Vampire Woman C: Turn over here~!!
*Fades to CG (1)*
Kou: Hey everyone, thanks for coming ♪ I wanted to see ya’ all!
*Audience noise*
Yui: (Wow...Just by having only Kou kun performing here, the whole assembled places are turning into one…)
*Fades to CG (2)*
(Ah…! The area becomes beautiful...as the lanterns start flying up)
(Kou kun can also watch it right?)
Kou: ...Kh, Oh yeah, that’s right. Today there is a special guest with me.
And that is一
*BG black*
Kou: This girl right here ♪
*Fades to CG (3)*
Yui: H- hey, K- kou kun!?
Kou: Shh...I will tell them that you’re a junior idol from my office ♪
Yui: (Eeh!?)
Kou: ‘Cuz I also wanted you to see the scenery from this place.
Let’s save some memories here with two of us, M-neko chan.
Look up at the sky. So pretty right? It’s lonely if I don’t enjoy the view with you…
Yui: Oh come on…
(Aah, I’m no match for him…)
Place: Glimmer Main Street / グリンマーストリート表通り
Corporation Manager: Yeaaa! That was super exciting!
For a moment, I thought about what bad could turn out…
It had turned out to be the best parade!
Really, thank you so much.
Kou: Likewise. The directions and every other thing was done perfectly. Such a kind of stage is very rare.
Corporation Manager: I- I am honored!
Oh, one more thing!
I will attend the launch party afterwards, so make sure to go there. Same goes for you, manager san!
Yui: Ah...Y- yes!
...He thought of me as a manager san till the very end…
Kou: Isn’t that good? Because it will mean Mukami Kou owns the cutest manager in the world.
Yui: Stop it!
Kou: Fufu, don’t get mad一
Yui: ….!?
Kou: ...Kh, who’s there...?
???: It’s me, Walter.
I have observed all of your work. And一
一I have admitted that you two are worthy ones to process the treasures.
Kou: I- it means…!
Earl Walter: I shall return back the heart and the eye where these should belong to一
*BG turns while + Weird noise*
Yui: (S- so dazzling…!)
Kou: Yui!
Yui: Kou kun一
*BG black*
Kou: ...wa...up! ...chan一!
Yui: (Kou...kun…?)
*BG turns to Mortstein Hotel*
Kou: Aah, I’m glad…
Yui: ...Kou kun...you eye…?
Kou: It’s back just as the Earl said. More importantly!
Your heart? Do you feel like it’s back? I can sense the smell of your blood but…
Is it back…?
Yui: (My heart is…)
*Heart’s pounding*
...My heart is back!
Kou: Aah...I’m so glad!
*Kou hugs Yui*
Yui: (Wa, he just embraced me…)
Kou: It means I don’t have to lose you.
I’m really...so glad...!
I’ll never have to...face such trouble again….
Kou kun has hugged me.
but certainly I felt his warmth was transmitted and the peace was rising up from the bottom of my heart.
If my heart wouldn’t be back then we wouldn’t even have this moment, and if I would get back my heart but that’s too late, then we would already start shivering.
However, we have seized our desirable future with our own hands.
And 一 一
一 The END of Chapter O 4
#Kou mukami#diabolik lovers#lunatic parade kou mukami chapter 4#kou mukami lunatic parade chapter 4#diabolik lovers lunatic parade#lunatic parade#diabolik lovers translations
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Weekly Schedule [December 20th ~ December 26th]
Monday December 20th
🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY @keithvalentinex 🎉
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #35 - Moon Mochi [Ayato・Kanato]
Tuesday December 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [02]
Wednesday December 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [04]
Thursday December 23rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [06]
Friday December 24th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [07]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Dark [08]
Saturday December 25th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kanato Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kanato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Sunday December 26th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kanato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Kanato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
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My Diabolik Lovers Translations Masterlist [Mobile] ♡ENG/ESP♡
Diabolik Lovers Paraselene
Vol.3: Kou Mukami
Kou Mukami’s Vandead Carnival Route
Subscenario: Laito Shu
Kou Mukami’s Dark Fate Route
Dark: 1 2 3 4
Maniac: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kou Mukami’s Chaos Lineage Route
Chapter: 1 2
Heaven Story
Diabolik Lovers Zero (Disponible en Español)
Floor 3, Subaru Sakamaki: Animate Tokuten: A Vampire’s Late Night Snack
Subaru Sakamaki’s Dark Fate Route (Disponible en Español)
Dark: Prologue 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Maniac: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Ecstasy: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Endings: Vampire Manservant + Audio
Kou Mukami’s Lunatic Parade Route
Care for Vampire + Audio
Kou Mukami’s Lost Eden Route
Dark: 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Maniac: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Ecstasy: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Epilogue
Endings: Vampire Manservant Brute
Subaru Sakamaki’s ~Haunted Dark Bridal~ Route
Maniac: 3
Ecstasy: 4 5 6
Endings: Vampire Manservant Brute
Heaven: Prologue
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Weekly Schedule [December January 17th ~ January 23rd]
Monday January 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 01]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 1]
Tuesday December 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 2]
Wednesday January 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 3]
Thursday January 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 4]
Friday January 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Route [ROUTE OVERVIEW]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 5]
Saturday January 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Sunday January 23rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Kanato
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
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Weekly Schedule [January 24th ~ January 30th]
Monday January 24th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #39 Shaky Shaky [Yuma・Shin]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 1]
Tuesday January 25th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 2]
Wednesday January 26th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 3]
Thursday January 27th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.9 Mukami Yuma [TRACK 4]
Friday January 28th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [07]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Dark [08]
Saturday January 29th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Sunday January 30th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Subaru
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kou
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS VANDEAD CARNIVAL Imajin Webshop Tokuten Drama CD ”Mukami Laito’s Magnificant Ideal Lifestyle ~ Different homes, different rules~”
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Weekly Schedule [October 25th ~ October 31st]
Monday October 25th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 8 Mukami Kou [Voice Sample 01]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 1]
Tuesday October 26th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 8 Mukami Kou [Voice Sample 02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 2]
Wednesday October 27th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 8 Mukami Kou [Voice Sample 03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 3]
Thursday October 28th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru Heaven [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 4]
Friday October 29th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru [ROUTE OVERVIEW]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.2 Kino [TRACK 5]
Saturday October 30th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route Chapter 3
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Sub Scenario w/Reiji
Sunday October 31st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kou
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Weekly Schedule [August 9th ~ August 15th]
Monday August 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Ruki VS Mukami Yuma
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 1]
Tuesday August 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Kou VS Tsukinami Carla
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 2]
Wednesday August 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Azusa VS Tsukinami Shin
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 3]
Thursday August 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 4]
Friday July August 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Route Overview
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 5 + Epilogue]
Saturday August 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru Skit Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Absurd Lesson”
Sunday August 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Another Story]
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Mukami Azusa [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [July 12th ~ July 18th]
Monday July 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #18 - Pasta [Reiji・Kou]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 1]
Tuesday July 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 2]
Wednesday July 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 3]
Thursday July 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [05]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 4]
Friday July 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 5]
Saturday July 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday Jne 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 9 Tsukinami Carla [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [August 16th ~ August 22nd]
Monday August 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #22 - Makeover [Subaru・Kou]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1+2]
Tuesday August 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 3+4]
Wednesday August 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 5+6]
Thursday August 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [05]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 7+8]
Friday July August 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 9+10]
Saturday August 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Reiji
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday August 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Carla
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 13 Mukami Ruki [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [August 2nd ~ August 8th]
Monday August 2nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [02]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 1+2]
Tuesday August 3rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [04]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [05]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 3+4]
Wednesday August 4th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [06]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [07]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 5+6]
Thursday August 5th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [08]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [09]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 7+8]
Friday July August 6th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [10]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Ecstasy [Epilogue]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.2: Mukami Kou [Track 9+10]
Saturday August 7th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 4
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Finale
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Tower Records Tokuten Drama CD ”The Younger Brothers’ Roundtable ~Deciding on the Scariest Younger Brother~”
Sunday August 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Subaru
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Route Overview
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 11 Sakamaki Laito [Voiced Interview]
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Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios – (Carla)
Happy New Year 2021!
Are you expecting to be 2021 as same as 2020? Me neither ♡ Idk u love Carla or not but I love him sm so, I finished the last translation of this year with my precious boy. (★^∀^★) Many of you were tagging me for this new year congrats but I didn’t reply as I was super busy. .I love everyone, thank you so much!
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Final]
[Shu] [Kanato] [Carla] [Kou]
Place: Saint Honore Park, Street
Carla: Shin…! It was said today, so I can’t be silent anymore…
Yui: (Hm? It’s Carla san…)
Carla: Oi woman. There’s something I want to ask you. Did you see Shin anywhere?
Yui: Shin kun? No, I did see him…
Ruki: If the eldest son doesn’t know the second son’s location, then there’s no way we know.
Carla: If you find him then tell me right away…
No, I was wrong...Start searching him at once and then bring him here.
Yui: (kh...Could it be that he’s mad about Shin kun…?)
Ruki: ...Did something happen?
Carla: He wasn’t anywhere. Shin...my younger brother had made a terrible mistake…
I must have to find Shin or…!
Yui: (S- such…!)
(What the heck could it be that he made that mistake…?)
Ruki: ...Oi, Carla Tsukinami. By the way…
You’re holding a very dangerous thing.
Carla: Hmph, you’re talking about this…?
*Takes out the sword*
Yui: (Ngh...sword…!? Don’t tell me he’s gonna hurt Shin using)
Ruki: The length of the blade is extreme...oh...I see. This is…
Yui: (Ruki kun…?)
Carla: Hmph, today was the most use of this sword…
My younger brother has chopped useless things, as a result, it’s sharpness is gone now!
This dull blade is an absolute worthless thing now…
Ruki: Fuh, I see. I understand your aim now….
I wonder what will happen if I just put my arms skills in it.
Carla: ...You? Hmph, sounds interesting. Then you can try it…
Ruki: Then, hand me that sword.
Carla: Fu, as you wished…
*Takes the sword*
Yui: (What are they doing…!?)
Carla: ...Let’s start on. Something for cutting….
Yui: (...Carla san just takes out a bag...this…)
Ruki: ...Hmph, as expected this thing huh. Leave it to me...kh!
*Cuts the bag*
Yui: (Inside the bag...raw hams…!?)
Ruki: Even if it's a dull knife but if you’re skilled with it, and apply the method of using an iffy knife then…! *cuts again*
Yui: Kyaa…!
*Cuts again*
Carla: kh…!
Yui: (Because of Ruki kun’s outstanding hand skills, the raw hams are very perfectly thinly sliced…!!)
*Gives back the knife*
Ruki: Hmph, so it’s how it works…
Carla: Fuh...So these vampires can...perform many things huh…
Ruki: It’s because I am used to cutting tools in the kitchen every single day…
Carla: Ruki Mukami, huh...You’re highlighted into a worthy man….
Yui: (He was able to convince Carla san...Ruki kun’s incredible…)
#carla tsukinami#ruki mukami lunatic parade#lunatic parade#ruki mukami lunatic parade sub scenerios#diabolik lovers translations#ruki#carla
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Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios– (Kanato)
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Final]
Shu Carla Kanato Kou
Place: レーヌ•ド•アジの店 / Reine • Dō • Aji Store
Yui: Th- that music box is so adorable!
But my height can’t reach there…
Ruki: I’ll get that for you. They are of 3 different colors, which one you’ll choose?
Yui: Umm, pink one?
Ruki: Gotcha, wait a little.
*Gets that*
Here, bring out your hand.
Yui: Thank you!
Kanato: ………
Yui: Oh, Kanato kun. What’s wrong?
Kanato: Nope, nothing really.
Just thought that you should be a useless person since you can’t even get such a thing by yourself.
Yui: Eh…
Kanato: Unlike you, I can do that on my own.
Oh I see... that one is somehow cute.
Yui: That stuffed toy bird?
Kanato: Yes, the decoration of its head is so light and looks so cool.
Yui: But that’s in the toppest place, it’s impossible to reach there…
Kanato: I can, just watch it.
*Kanato tries to reach*
Kanato: kh...Ah, just a little bit…
Ruki: Oi, shall I lend a hand?
Kanato: No need! I can get that!
Ruki: I see.
Kanato: Don’t take it as fun. This much is...nothing for me kh…
If Ruki can do it, then why can’t I...gh
Ruki: ………
Yui: (Kanato kun, are you okay…)
Kanato: ...ngh! Why….why can’t I reach there...!?
Ruki: ….It can’t be helped.
...here *throws*
Kanato: Ah…! *catches*
Yui: Kanato kun, wonderful! Nice catch, it’s good right!
Kanato: Well, that was easy.
Ruki: Yup, that was incredible.
Kanato: ………
Well, it’s not that I don’t wanna thank you, but I won’t next time.
Ruki: Oh goodness, you’re not honest at all.
Kanato: Apart from that, I was able to get that by myself.
I wasn’t just serious this time, and that’s it….
Ruki: Alright, I will agree with you.
Kanato: ….gh! It’s enough already!
*Kanato goes away*
Ruki: Oh my, oh my, he’s really a child.
Yui: (He helped Kanato kun without getting him angry, as expected of Ruki kun.)
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Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios– (Reiji)
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Final]
Shu Carla Kanato Kou
Place: ‘The fear’ confectionery kitchen / ザフィーア菓子店 厨房
Ruki: Hey, excuse us but who’s working as the pastry chef here?
Yui: Ruki kun! Calm down a bit!
Ruki: Shut up. At least, I must have to say a word for doing something like this.
Yui: (He got mad so suddenly while he was taking the meal…)
What happened actually?
Ruki: For serving the customers such a half-cooked thing proves that he sucks working in this restaurant!
Yui: Wait, what!?
(I am aware that he’d care about every single detail about the cooking since he’s a very expert chef but…)
However, entering the kitchen without permission is…
Ruki: Just shut your mouth.
Reiji: Oh? Ruki’s here huh.
Ruki: Sakamaki Reiji? Why are you here?
Reiji: The flavor was unsatisfying so I came here to give a complaint.
Ruki: What a strange situation. Because the taste was disgusting for me too.
Ruki: Oh goodness, then did you also eat that cheese cake by using the strawberry-sauce ?
Ruki: What do you mean? Orange flavor suits that.
Reiji: Nope, strawberry flavor is the obvious best match.
Ruki: The richness of the cheese gets more enchanted by adding the sourness with it.
Reiji: Oh, well then. Let’s have a match for deciding who is correct.
Ruki: As your wish. I’ll teach you that you’re wrong.
Yui: (Wh- what should I do…)
*After a while*
Yui: ...Hah.
(We managed to convince the people of the store to lend the kitchen…)
Reiji: I am done.
Ruki: Me too.
Reiji: Let’s hurry then. Mmn….
Ruki: Let’s see what you’ve got….mm
Reiji: 一 Pft, you have yet to go.
Ruki: You’re just forcing me to agree with you huh.
Reiji: Let’s cook another sweets then
Ruki: I agree. This time is my victory for sure.
Reiji: Lie...you should memorize the facts of my abilities.
*After a while*
Reiji: You’re so persistent too…! Just accept your defeat.
Ruki: You don’t know when to give up…! Just say that you lose.
Yui: (They have been just making sweets for a while but can’t decide the winner…)
Confectionary Clerk: E- err…
Ruki: What? We’re in the middle of the contest so don’t bother.
Reiji: You come here to ask why we had a complaint about the abiltiless pastry-chef? It will be a mistake if you tell us to get out.
Confectionary Clerk: It’s not that!
I have served the cakes that you cooked because I thought that it was originally made by the pastry-chef.
They absolutely liked that and...another customer ordered that…
Ruki: What?
Confectionery Clerk: So, I wanted to ask, can you make the sweets...
Reiji: Why will I have to do such…
Ruki: 一 Fine by me. If it has gone this far, then I’ll make it by a chance of our competition.
Confectionary Clerk: Th- thank you so much!
Ruki: You won’t have a problem, right? Sakamaki Reiji.
Reiji: ….Well, yes because I can’t be convinced that the match is over for this.
Ruki: This time I am gonna make sweets where you can’t have any objection anyways.
Yui: (I don’t quite get it but...they both are incredible…)
#strawberry vs orange x''DD#I place a bet on my boy Reiji lmao#ruki mukami lunatic parade chapter 3#ruki mukami lunatic parade#lunatic parade#sub-scenarios#reiji sakamaki#ruki mukami sub-scenarios#diabolik lovers lunatic parade#diabolik lovers translations
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Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios– (Kou)
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Final]
Shu Carla Kanato Kou
Place: Glimmer street, Main Street / グリンマーストリート 表通り
Kou: Oh Ruki kun! And M-neko chan!
Yui: Kou kun! Why are you having this bag?
Kou: These? These are goods from parade and some restricted food ♪
Yui: I see, they are a lot.
Kou: Uh-huh. This is a plush toy-strap and it’s a classic hairband.
And these are churro, waffle and hot-dog~!
Ruki: Oi, Kou. If you become so greedy then…
Kou: I couldn’t help it because they gave me all of these.
Yui: All of these!?
Kou: Yup. Looked like they all became obsessed with the charmness of an idol like me. Just kidding ♪
Ruki: Oh my goodness...don’t bring up troubles that much.
Kou: You mean it~? But the truth is that you’re a bit jealous too, no?
I won’t mind telling you some tips.
But the deal is that it won’t work except female clerks.
Ruki: Good grief, whenever you come…
Kou: I think that’ll also be useful for M-neko chan? It won't hurt to hear it!
I believe girls usually like to get complimented.
Not only by saying pretty or cute but you should be more specific.
For example, your hairstyle looks pretty today or this dress suits you well~
Yui: (As expected from an idol, I wonder if he has gotten used to that…)
Kou: And next one is~oh that’s it! Girls have a weakness in words like “precious” or something like that.
So, these are my advice ♪ I want Ruki kun to give it a try?
Ruki: ...Leading one's life peacefully with these things is your speciality.
You’re also aware that I’m not suitable for these, right?
Kou: Hm~ That’s true though.
Ruki kun won’t be the Ruki kun anymore if he starts to persuade ladies around~
Ruki: You get the point. Everything’s going balanced because four of us have different personalities.
Be aware of that.
Kou: Yeees.
Yui: (Ruki kun always observes deeply about each of his brothers…)
Kou: Aight, let’s do my best from now as I’m always supposed to~♪
Ruki: You’re allowed to be enthusiastic however, you shouldn’t screw up with them that much from the time being.
Kou: I know it~ Ruki kun is being so direct, ya’ know.
Ruki: Because it’s me.
Kou: Haah...But, sometimes you become so quiet that it makes me worried to be honest.
It’s also necessary to get attached with others once in a while, right~?
Like playing a ball-balance game like a clown over there~?
Ruki: ….Ba-ball-balancing...? Well, it’s not that I can’t do it…
Yui: Eh? You can do it, Ruki kun...?
Ruki: ngh...I didn’t mean that. What are you saying…
Kou: Come on! Let’s warm up!
We will be able to play the active part as two of us are handsome looking clowns♪
Ruki: I refuse...just get away from here already!
Kou: What’s that way of talking~! I was obviously joking! Even though I was worrying about you, you were…
Yui: (Oh, so that just was a joke …)
(However... I wanna see Ruki kun in clown form a bit…)
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